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How Clean Is Your House?

From my spirit to yours with 💓


Sometimes, it is necessary to walk through your home (just you and Jesus) and pray over it. Just start walking and talking and praying. BUT WAIT:

Make sure you are one with God now meaning be sure what you are getting ready to cast out is not a familiar spirit to you because we can't cast out and rebuke the same spirits we run with. Check yourself. Repent if you need too then get in position because the enemy is coming for your family, and you and I need to be in a position to be able to rebuke and reprove amen.

So, start walking and talking and praying. You don't have to speak in tongues to be heard and you don't have to be afraid the enemy will tamper with your prayers either. Remember, he cannot stop your blessings. Only we have the power to do that. The enemy only has the power we give him, and he can only go as far as the Lord allows him too. So, keep going. Anoint every room. Go in every room you can even the bathrooms because spirits hide. May sound crazy, but spirits are real. Sometimes, our kids and spouses will bring home spirits without knowing and as a praying mother/wife we should be able to identify when our family is carrying an unfamiliar spirit. That doesn't mean you'll catch them all, but when you are one with God, he'll show you what you need to see at the right time. Now this one may step on your toes but hear me out. Sometimes, that unfamiliar spirit IS IN YOU TOO. 🤭 Sometimes, you have to take a hard look at yourself and rebuke yourself. Yes, you can be saved and sanctified and still pick up spirits. We are CHRIST-LIKE, not CHRIST. So, keep going. Take some oil and anoint the door posts (frame of the door) and plead the blood of Jesus over your entire home. Ask the Lord to cleanse and remove any spirit that has entered your house without authorization and permission. Tell that spirit " I don't know how you got in here and who you came through, but in the mighty name of Jesus you gots to gooooo! I know it may sound crazy, but it's real and it works WHEN YOU ARE ONE WITH GOD. Criminals don't just break in, so do spirits and satan is nothing but a thief. The word of God taught us that. He came to do what? Kill. Steal. Destroy. You have to walk through your house as bold as a lion walking through the jungle and tell them spirits (DEMONS) to GET OUT!!! Get out of my house, my children, grandchildren, husband, wife, pets, and YOU TOO. Anyone who lives in your home is subject to bringing spirits in. It's inevitable because we encounter different spirits daily. They can also enter in through what we watch/entertain on our devices so be careful who you're spending "social media" time with.

Speaking from the position of a mother or wife or both, it is our duty to pray over our families and keep them covered in the HOLY SPIRIT. For that is the ONLY spirit that should be welcome in our home and if it's not present this is your cue to invite the presence of God into your home and life. Remember, God wants us to need him. He wants us to know we need him. As a saved single or married woman, it is your/my duty to keep our homes covered. That Proverbs 31 Woman that no one talks about is real and honored by the Lord. This doesn't mean a man can't do it, but right now I'm speaking to the women of God and as a woman of God this is a part of keeping our housekeeping. Our refrigerators, bedrooms, bathrooms, carpet, and even our clothes may be clean, but if we have all kinds of unfamiliar ungodly spirits roaming through our houses, is our house really clean?

Holy Transitions

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