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The Pulpit is for the GOSPEL.
written by:   Tracy Watts

The Pulpit is for the GOSPEL.
Pulpit are for those who have been called by God.
Sent by God.
Chosen by God to preach his word.
Not a word, but THE WORD OF GOD.
Pulpit is for the GOSPEL.
Not motivational spe
akers or speeches.
for entertainment.
Not to teach people how to grow in their businesses.
Not to compromise.
Not to make people feel good.
ot to promote man laws or worldly leaders.
Not to promote political laws.
Not to perform.
Not to uphold/support sin.
Pulpit is for the GOSPEL.
It used to be a sacred and guarded place.
You could look at it and see the chosen servants.
Now, the pulpit is mixed with servants and serpents.
Anybody is welcome in the
house of the Lord, but not just anybody could step into the pulpit.
That's when people had more respect/reverence for God and leaders walked in their God-given authority.
Leaders were respected and honored.
You wouldn't dare find a leader hanging out in the world.
Now, the pulpit is open to whoever seems to have "a word."
It doesn't even have to come from THE WORD OF GOD.
We'd rather motivate than sanctify.
We'd rather preach a watermelon message
(sweet and taste good)
over a convicting message
(bitter yet nurturing).
Not so saith the Lord.
Woe unto those who call bittersweet and sweet bitter.
(Isaiah 5:20)
We must clean up the pulpit. Clean up the STANDARDS of the church so that righteousness can get back to the forefront of Christian living.
Because the
Pulpit is for the GOSPEL.

Jesus did not accept sin.
Jesus did not co
Jesus did not preach to our liking.
He did not preach what people wanted to hear.
Jesus preached what we needed.
Jesus was hated.
Lied on.
Spit on.
Talked about.
The world did not accept Jesus.

So, to all those who proclaim the name of Jesus.
To all of those who profess to be children of God.
I have a question.
If the world hated Jesus (John 15:18-19) and you are his child, then
why do they love you? 

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I Timothy 3:14-15 (Kjv)

14 These things write I unto thee, hoping to come unto thee shortly:

15 But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.

In this passage through the word of God, Apostle Paul is explaining some things to Timothy. Ministry is about putting the gospel together, teaching him/us how to conduct ourselves in the house of God. It's teaching us the do's and don'ts of God's Holy word. Apostle Paul started with Timothy telling him how he should act. Why?
Because he wanted him to be an example to the church.
Because there is a standard for church leaders.

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